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As a Soul Coach Therapist, and author of Wings of Soulsister Self-Soul Coaching Card Deck, an essential method I use in my inner guidance counseling therapy session is Oracles Cards for the purpose of therapy, healing and soul coaching. During each session, I hold a sacred space of higher consciousness to allow clarity to come through by unlocking limiting beliefs, and negative patterns, and transcending stuck energy. Oracles cards are high vibrational tools that bridge the inner and outer realms of soul's manifestation as well as connect with and convey the message from the higher guidance and universal wisdom.
become aware of its energetic pattern, recognize the soul lesson, and be empowered by the blessing in disguise
shade the light on life’s hidden treasure
the POWER to change life lies in the enlight of the SOUL
Shade the light on life’s hidden treasure
€145.- (2 hrs)
Because those challenges and hurdles are life’s hidden treasure, they are there to be triggered and set free thus setting you free. “If you are facing challenges and you want the situation to change but you feel you can't move forward, do not dwell in despair for life is giving you exactly what you need to overcome that which is keeping you stuck”.
This session provides kind loving support, shoulders to cry on, wisdom and guidance to help you reflect on problems and challenges you are going through in life and learn to rise your consciousness above and gain clarity for a way forward.
Harmonious Love Relationships
€145.- (2 hrs)
"Love heals all wounds" the soulful wisdom need not forgotten.
Energetically driven, we are uniquely led to connect and develop relationships with specific persons and situations at certain timelines, not only marriages or romantic partnerships but also family members, work colleagues, friends, business associates etc, to either solve unfinished karma cords or flourishing and supporting one another on soul ascension journey. For this divine reason, challenges are meant to be presented through triggers and unconscious wounds for the soul to learn, heal and evolve.
This therapy session brings forth awareness of underlying wounds and dynamic patterns to be recognized and sympathized, seeing it from a higher perspective with loving compassion and set forth the intention to solve, learn and transcend wounded energy to harmony and wisdom.
Realize Dreams, Unique Gift and Soul Mission
€145.- (2 hrs)
"If it is your Soul Lesson, so is it your Soul Mission"
In recent years, the collective consciousness has awakened humanity to step into soul mission, many lightworkers, healers, and keepers of peace are called to spread their wings and share their lights.
Supporting the mission, the Universe has ways to take us out from places, professions, and people that are no longer serving the purpose, commonly appearing as burnout, physical mental conditions, illnesses, near death, losing job, feeling lost, things falling apart, etc. We are drawn into nature, spirituality, and healing journey. We start pondering a career and lifestyle change but are reluctant to find the confidence, clarity, and courage to take a leap.
This counseling session opens space for you to embrace desires, dreams, doubts and fear of the unknown, guiding you to realize the power and the unique gift that you are, soul mission, passion, a potential and purposeful profession that aligns with your soul truth that creates balance and fulfillment in life.
Conscious Living Life Path
€145.- (2 hrs)
Repeating past life patterns, ancestral patterns, and people from the past attach are Karmic Blueprints that influence the present life by reliving the same energetic sequences in the forms of imbalances, traumatic life events, mental health, negative mind patterns, and habits,
Focusing on healing, rising awareness of the deeper truth of life gaining more insight understanding of suffering through recognition of incarnation and reincarnation of the soul.
This therapy session shed light on past life's shadow. You will be guided to step into the power of the 'present' life for positive change, initiating loving compassion, healing, and powerful intention to recreate a conscious-living life path from the present moment hereon.
"Present is a result of the past, the past of the Future but the POWER is Now"
Heal Wounded Inner Child
€145.- (2 hrs)
Within each of us dwells an inner child who remains small, innocent, and playful. The inner child lies subtly in the subconscious mind which most of our behaviors as grown-ups are driven by. Wounded Inner Child lives together in our adult life in the forms of trauma, insecurity, abandonment, fear and self-unworthiness, codependent relationships, and attachments. Hence reconnecting with our inner child can help us heal in such a way that no one and nothing else can because it is selflove that we give to that most vulnerable part of ourselves.
In this therapy session, you will reconnect with your inner child, hearing the message he/she wants you to hear for awareness, healing, self-compassion, and reparenting.
Spiritual Awakening
€145.- (2 hrs)
Darkness is an absence of light, there is no light without darkness, the paradox of the universe, law of polarity, Dark Night of the Soul in truth is illusional maya projected onto the screen of the life you are watching for you 'the light' to realize that you are the light looking at darkness in the absence of 'the Self' that which requires separation from its own to recognize itself existence.
Seek not what you saught but what you see. Who is the Seer?
If you are going through this soul-awakening period and are hearing a call to reach out for spiritual guidance, this session is answering your call from the other side of the Maya illusion to help turn, look around, observe and realize the presence of light from the source of the onlooker.
Peace and Clarity
€145.- (2 hrs)
"The Answer is in You", you already have the answer, you don't need to find the answer, you need to come to clarity to realize it. When you know, you know. The Soul knows.
Throughout life, we are constantly presented with choices, quests, and crossroads that require decisions to be made. Often times when we don't know the answer it is a mirror reflection of unclear questions we ask ourselves.
This inner guidance session holds a space for you to reflect upon your doubts, fears and desires to ask self-inquiry questions that reveal the truth of what the soul is searching to find. When clarity is gained, you will come to a realization and have peace with the answer that you know you know.
Clear the Path and Move Forward
€145.- (2 hrs)
Deep dive into the depth of the subconscious mind to decode the soul-distracted patterns that have kept you stuck in indecisive decisions, inaction, stagnant, dilemma, and fear of the unknown, open up your heart or take a leap of faith. Beyond the depth of what is blocking us, lies the opponent divination within ourselves that wants to reunite with its shadow side and alchemize a newborn upgraded version.
This inner guidance counseling invites you to come with an intention to acknowledge your fears, recognize your dream desires, and empower your hidden strength to decide what to hold on to, what to let go, and when to do so if not NOW.
"The trouble is we think we have time" - The Buddha
Realize Selflove
€145.- (2 hrs)
"Out beyond ideas of right and wrongdoing, I will meet you there" - Rumi
Everyone and anything can hurt us but the person who can and truly has the power to hurt hence to heal us is ourselves. Easier said than done, selflove, isn't just to understand but to realize. The journey is a lifelong meditation and enlightenment. Each challenge catalyzes learning, healing and transformation.
This session opens a space of higher consciousness that allows all beliefs, thoughts, wounds, emotions, and feelings to be seen, felt, understood and loved unconditionally. This can then plant the seed of the same energy within you to be recognized. With that inner light, we can apply The Four Sublime State of Mind (Dhamma teaching of the Buddha) to the conditions, embodying the vibration of the Buddha's wisdom and transforming self-imprisoning suffering into selflove compassion.
Chakra Flow for New Soul Intention and Life Balance
€145.- (2 hrs)
Unprocessed thoughts and emotions, oftentimes cause Chakra imbalance thus blockage of energy. A clearing of the passage can promote a healthy flow of body, mind and soul, unblocking space for energy to flow through each chakra bringing flow of life manifestion in balance.
This session will bring you to understand current energy of each chakra alongside guidance and clarity on certain aspects of life challange to unblock and reset Soul Blueprint with new intention set forth to manefest by laying chakra flower of life crystal grids, you can birth a new intention to the field of consciousness in its own power to rewrite one's own destiny.
The online session is done via a VDO call, you will be required to prepare a serene peaceful private space that invites high vibrational energy to be present in the connection by creating your own sacred space using candles, calm music, scent, crystals or aroma to clear and cleanse the atmosphere, ensure no disturbance from other incoming calls, sit comfortably, relax, and be ready for the session.
Upon making appointment, select the session that resonates with you.
Giving is receiving
Purchase a Soulful Voucher for a massage, yoga, meditation, or coaching therapy for yourself or your loved ones.